Simply superior, in every way
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Kaady Chemicals: Just about all you need.
Kaady's product lineup encompasses nearly all profit opportunities available to a modern automatic car wash, while being safe for the environment, for customers’ cars and for your employees. Its “nucleus” comprises five interactive products covering every basic customer service while simplifying inventory management: products so efficient and effective that they can often reduce your cost per application. And at their core stands multi-purpose Tire, Wheel and Body Cleaner (TWB), performance-proven under all market and weather conditions to be the best single cleaning product you can buy.
Featured Products

Ceramic Paint Protection
Breakthrough ceramic-coating technology, spot-on merchandising support and Kaady Chemical’s success-proven reliability: it adds up to a game-changer that will give your automatic car wash an advantage over the competition.

Ceramic Paint Protection Stars in Live Action Video
Success-proven performance + simplified inventory management + competitive pricing
What’s in a name?
Before any Kaady Chemical product ships to you, it’s withstood the test of real-world usage at Kaady Car Washes: a company with nearly a half-century of successful business operation in the U.S. Pacific Northwest.
Customer Testimonials
“We have found the quality and performance of the Kaady products to be truly superior. If you want to produce cleaner and shinier cars than the competition, Kaady products are what you should be using.”